ALEX-S'ALEX-S' is a slimming beauty machine originally from Italy.

‘ALEX-S’; a 15km jog just in one session

‘ALEX-S’ is a slimming beauty machine originally from Italy.

We are one of the few salons to carry the machine in Japan, but it is commonly recognized among celebrities, models and athletes.

‘ALEX-S’ will effectively burn excessive fat, improve blood circulation, stimulate the core muscles, while maintaining the relaxation aspect.
It will consume the same amount of calories equivalent to a 15 km jog by lying on the machine for only 30 minutes.

Not only excellent for dieting, but also to strengthen your muscles, improve metabolism and maintain a healthy body balance.


ALEX-S ALEX-S 60 mins x 1 Session ALEX-S 60 mins x 5 Sessions
Price (w/o tax) ¥7,000 ¥30,000
Description 1 session trial course Deals for our repeat customers. Each session is 5,000 yen, which is 2,000 yen cheaper than a single session.